Public Schools
Like a lot of people who live in this district, my family also counts on strong public schools for our children. The future of our state depends on our public schools.
But a decade of measly increases—so small they don’t even keep pace with inflation, let alone meet actual needs—has taken a toll on our classrooms. Meanwhile, out of state influences have pushed and passed an unlimited giveaway of millions in public dollars through private school vouchers. We’ve seen extreme legislators vilify our beloved educators. Book bans, defunding the Area Education Agencies, and a punitive state-wide attendance are undermining public education.
I am a legislator who values, supports, and stands up for our public schools. I opposed private school vouchers, book bans, the destructive AEA bill, and the misguided attendance policy. I filed bills to invest in early childhood education and voted to fund mental health supports in the schools. When the State Senate President called teachers “sinister,” I ran against him and defeated him. I listen to educators, parents, students and make sure their voices are heard in the legislative process.
Reproductive Rights
The near-total abortion ban is devastating reproductive care in our state, putting lives at risk, and threatening the quality of reproductive care for all. Iowan already ranks last among states in OBGYNs per capita. Now it will be even harder to recruit and retain physicians to practice in a state where they could be prosecuted for providing best practice care to their patients. Bills that threaten contraception and IVF make it clear that all reproductive care is on the line in Iowa.
This is an issue that directly impacts my life. The right to make deeply personal, private health care decisions should belong to the Iowans themselves—not politicians. In the State Senate I have been a passionate advocate to protect our rights and improve access to reproductive care.
Gun Violence
As a parent, not a day goes by that I worry about the safety of my children. The number one cause of death for children in our country is firearms. School shootings are a terrifying reality as we unfortunately have experienced in our own state. The vast majority of gun deaths in Iowa are suicides and too many of us have been personally impacted. Common sense gun safety laws save lives and protect the rights of responsible firearm owners. I support policy created with public health experts and law enforcement to make our communities safer.
The Des Moines Metro area is a vibrant and diverse community. We have a responsibility to intentionally engage this gift of diversity, building relationships across difference so we can do great things together.
My career - my calling - has been devoted to bringing people together.
As a legislator I strive for the day that all are safe, have access to the services and resources we need, and our civil rights are protected. I demonstrate that commitment by showing up and spending time with the diverse members of our community. I work hard to educate my neighbors of all ages and backgrounds about the legislative process so they have voice in their state government. I have repeatedly stood up to and spoken out against harmful policies that create an unwelcoming and unsafe environment for our neighbors.
Economic Opportunity
I know what it is like to be caught between child care bills that costs more than our mortgage and student loans. Even with two incomes our family has often struggled to make ends meet. Not only can I relate to the economic pressures that Iowans are facing, for years I have worked with the non-profits that are on the front lines assisting our neighbors.
Too many in our Iowa State Senate fall back on the myth that people are just not working hard enough. The real problem is that our economy is not working for the people. I am an advocate for policies that truly help our neighbors and build a stronger economy. I stand up for quality affordable child care, strong public schools, tax policies that are fair, accessible health care, and a government that listens to regular Iowans—not out of state big money interests.
Water, Air, Soil
Our future depends on our precious natural resources and we cannot take them for granted. To maintain the quality of life in our state we must protect our water, air, and soil.
Iowa can lead our nation with innovative approaches to managing our resources. In the State Senate, I have been a fierce advocate for public land to benefit water quality and wildlife habitat. When the majority party has attacked water quality testing and research, I have spoken out. I have supported legislation to investigate Iowa’s rising cancer rates, investments in small-scale farmers, policies that encourage renewable energy production and innovative agricultural practices.
We have a responsibility to Iowans to provide the vital services and infrastructure that make our state a great place to live. I want our tax policy to demonstrate a commitment to investing in the people and communities of our great state.
We’ve already had too many years of tax giveaways to out of state corporations with nothing to show for Iowans. The majority party has rushed through tax policies benefitting the wealthy, pushing more and more of the burden on to property taxes. That’s not fair to Iowa taxpayers. I stand for a thoughtful approach to tax policy that works with county and local leaders to create policies that encourage growth and strengthen the quality of life.
Health Care and Mental Health
Rural hospitals are closing. Providers are refusing patients. People are not getting the care they need. Our most vulnerable elders are at risk. People with disabilities are struggling to find care that enable fullness of life. When our neighbors need help for their mental health they have to travel hundreds of miles or wait months. These are the outcomes of the majority party’s health care policies: privatizing Medicaid, refusing to adequately fund services, restructuring and rearranging without real investment, and turning a blind eye to neglect and abuse.
As a former hospital chaplain, I understand that investing in health and well-being our community pays off. As a board member for a senior care facility, I know that improving quality of care also means lowering long-term costs. As your state legislator, I am committed to making real improvements in our state’s health care.
Public Voice
State legislators should be seeking more ways to involve the public in the decision-making process, not fewer. But limiting opportunity for public comment, passing bills in the middle of the night, and setting new restrictions on voter participation are all signs that our current leadership isn’t interested in what Iowans have to say.
They do seem very interested in what big out-of-state money has to say.
Our democracy works when our legislators listen to their constituents. I bring my strong record of community engagement, clear communication, and transparency into the Senate for the benefit of the people.