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Public Schools

My family is not the only one counting on strong public schools for our children. Strong public schools build strong communities and a strong economy.


Our businesses depend on an educated workforce. But years of measly increases—so small they don’t even keep pace with inflation, let alone meet actual needs—has taken a toll on our classrooms.


Iowa should have the strongest schools of any state. All children, regardless of where they live, deserve access to high quality education. Our schools must be able to attract and retain quality educators and support staff.


I will work to make these hopes a reality as a legislator who values, supports, and appropriately funds our public schools.


The Des Moines Metro area is a vibrant and diverse community. We have a responsibility to intentionally engage this gift of diversity, building relationships across difference so we can do great things together.

My career - my calling - has been devoted to bringing people together.


As a legislator I will continue my diversity work, striving for the day that all are safe, have access to the services and resources we need, and our civil rights are protected.

Economic Opportunity

I know what it is like to be caught between $1,800 a month for child care and student loans. Even with two incomes our family has often struggled to make ends meet.


According to the United Way nearly 40% of Iowans are not making a survival wage that can cover the true cost of living. A recent article in the Des Moines Register estimates we are 12,000 units short of affordable housing in our metro area. When thousands of households are paying 40, 50, even 60 percent of their wages for housing--that doesn’t leave enough for everything else.


Too many in our Iowa State Senate fall back on the myth that people are just not working hard enough. The real problem is that our economy is not working for the people. Not only can I relate to the economic pressures that Iowans are facing, I’m ready to do something about it.   

Water, Air, Soil

Our future depends on our precious natural resources and we can no longer take them for granted. To maintain the quality of life in our state and to continue growing our economy we must protect our water, air, and soil.


Iowa can lead our nation with innovative approaches to managing our resources. In the State Senate, I will be a forward thinking leader who will address these significant and pressing concerns.


As a state we have to find a way to pay for the vital services and structural needs that make Iowa a great place to live. It’s not an argument over whether we raise or lower taxes, but rather where the money comes from and how we invest it.


I’d rather see our tax revenues invested in our Iowa communities. We’ve already had too many years of tax giveaways to out of state corporations with nothing to show for Iowans. I’m ready to put our tax dollars to work to benefit the people who live in our state.

Public Voice

State legislators should be seeking more ways to involve the public in the decision-making process, not fewer. But limiting opportunity for public comment, passing bills in the middle of the night, and setting new restrictions on voter participation are all signs that our current leadership isn’t interested in what Iowans have to say.


They do seem very interested in what big out-of-state money has to say.


Our democracy works when our legislators listen to their constituents. I will bring my strong record of community engagement, clear communication, and transparency into the Senate for the benefit of the people.

Health Care

Medicaid privatization has been an expensive failure. Rural hospitals are closing. Providers are refusing patients. People are not getting the care they need. The cost of mismanagement is passed on to all of us.


Defunding family planning programs in our state has also added to the lack of affordable and accessible care, putting public health at risk.


As a former hospital chaplain I understand that investing in the health and well-being of our community pays off. As a board member for a senior care facility, I know that improving quality of care also means lowering long-term costs.


As your state legislator, I will not be pressured to sacrifice quality care for ideology or profit. I won’t be fooled by promises of short term savings that come at the expense of lives. 

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